Samsung's 4K "Onyx Cinema LED" display for large screens, currently available only in a few countries across the world, is set to come to India later this year, a top company executive said on Wednesday. To begin with, PVR Cinemas and INOX Group would install 'Onyx Cinema LED' in the country. The Samsung screens would be installed at PVR multiplexes in Delhi and Mumbai. "We first launched the screen in Korea, then we installed it in China, Europe, Thailand and the US. Once users watch content on 'Onyx' screen, it would be very difficult for them to switch to conventional projectors in theatres," Puneet Sethi, Vice President, Consumer Electronics Enterprise Business, Samsung India, told IANS here. Samsung "Onyx" screen has the ability to deliver better picture quality with its true black colour, bringing contents to life with higher vibrancy and accuracy in a cinema theatre near you. "We are delighted to announce our latest techn...