Apple TV+ will focus on creating quality content over quantity, says Eddy Cue
Apple will be adopting a quality-over-quantity model for AppleTV+, the company’s upcoming streaming service. Senior Vice President of services and programming, Eddy Cue said in an interview with The Sunday Times that Apple won’t be flooding people’s screens with too many choices like Netflix does. Instead, it will focus on ‘creating the best’. However, when asked what he thought of Netflix’s model, he said there’s nothing wrong their model, but it’s not something Apple will follow. The response was a jab at Netflix’s streaming model. The US-based streaming giant releases as much original content as it can to attract viewers, which sometimes can be overwhelming for the subscribers. Apple will instead release one new show every month, starting with the new Workplace drama called The Morning Show starring Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston. While Netflix, Hulu and Amazon have been present in the industry for much longer, Apple is very much a latecomer to the show. Add to that the up...